Quick Task:
Before begining the next project we had to come up with quick thubmnails that showed a scene of a washing line and winter sports, I wasn't sure what excatly to do but after some feedback i understood the project more. I was told to keep my drawings diagonal to break free from the front view we usually tend to draw in so I have took that into consideration for the rest of the project. |
I have kept my thumbnails without any colour as I wanted to focus on the tones and using more diagonals into my work. I plan to move onto skethcing my chosen thumbnail digitally and adding in the colour to figure out how everything will be done and which Images I want the figure to have a more realistic person or if I choose one where the person would be further away would remain a shadow like figure.
I have kept my thumbnails without any colour as I wanted to focus on the tones and using more diagonals into my work. I plan to move onto skethcing my chosen thumbnail digitally and adding in the colour to figure out how everything will be done and which Images I want the figure to have a more realistic person or if I choose one where the person would be further away would remain a shadow like figure.